With Essent as our parent company, Aton Projects is one of the most stable EPC companies in the Netherlands. Essent is in turn a wholly owned subsidiary of the German company E.ON, making Aton Projects part of one of the largest energy companies in Europe. This provides Aton Projects a strong position with respect to purchasing power and financial stability.
A substantial part of our procurement contracts is concluded through E.ON. We have our own solar procurement team at the Essent head office in Den Bosch, who we work closely with. Procurement volumes for the various sister companies are bundled under E.ON as tenders. We then select the right suppliers with considerable care. This guarantees us the best purchase price and conditions – including the warranty.
What our organisation looks like today:
> 50M
> 700
Supply Chain employees
> 30.000
Quality control
Together with Essent and E.ON, we have a significant focus on quality control. Our solar panels are quality-checked and inspected during production and before transport by our dedicated contracted inspector, and by renowned independent consultancy on behalf of our customer during construction and/or on completion.